2013 Hermes Winner, Triangle Transit

hermes link graphicWinner: Triangle Transit
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Title: #flipfortransit
Category: 161. Government

triangle_transit-logoRiding a bus has never been so exciting, or so it would seem in Durham, North Carolina.  The city  wanted to promote it’s mass transportation services to a younger demographic.  Triangle Transit services a high tech and university corridor including Durham, Wake Forest, and Chapel Hill. To spread the message, the city produced a high energy, visually arresting video that combines acrobatics with cinematography.  Four athletes move about the Triangle using a combination of parkour, freerunning, and public transportion.  Flips, twists, spins, and jumps are captured in about every angle imagineable as a driving soundtrack frames the action.  The result is stunning. Who thought taking public transportation could be so much fun.