We Are Proud to Salute 2010 Communitas Award Winner Brunet-Garcia Advertising (Jacksonville, FL)

2010 Communitas Award Winner Brunet-Garcia Advertising (Jacksonville, FL) is literally changing the face of the nonprofit community in northeastern Florida. In addition to donating to various nonprofit agencies and launching three websites devoted to civic involvement, the full service advertising-public relations provider has instituted a formal corporate policy of offering five monthly hours of company time to any employee wishing to volunteer their time and talent. The AMCP judges were impressed with Brunet-Garcia Advertising’s quantity and quality of pro bono work, citing the firm as a great example of a company using its unique skills — in this case advertising and marketing creativity — to help nonprofits in their quest to serve the less fortunate in their community. Judges who determined Brunet-Garcia Advertising’s Communitas Award for Pro Bono Excellence in Community Service noted that the firm created its Block x Block community initiative in response to increasing litter and refuse on neighboring streets. The campaign actually inspired nearby businesses to join the agency’s employees and clean their street, and then recycle the refuse through a private collector. By working together to take a stand against litter, employees have provided the area with noticeably cleaner thoroughfares. In addition, the Brunet-Garcia led campaign has inspired others to clean up their own neighborhood areas. Please visit www.communitasawards.com to see a list of winners from this recent competition.