We Are Proud to Salute 2010 Communitas Award Nominee LifeLock (Tempe, AZ)

2010 Communitas Award Nominee LifeLock (Tempe, AZ) believes in an open exchange of information to warn law enforcement and community members about identify theft. LifeLock, an identity protection service, has submitted a presentation packet it utilizes for a series of free educational seminars — LifeLock and FBI LEEDA (Law Enforcement Executive Development Association): Identity Theft Summits for Law Enforcement. The seminars enable the company to exchange important trends, data and growing concerns regarding identity theft between law enforcement officials. Since 2008, the company has implemented 25 identify theft summits, educating more than 2,000 law enforcement officials from more than 750 agencies nationwide. As LifeLock educates law enforcement, it understands what officers deal with in prosecuting such cases, and incorporates that knowledge into new products and services. The company can also better educate members of the community about how to avoid being a victim of identity theft. The success of this effort has enabled LifeLock to target 36 new identify theft events for 2010. Please visit www.communitasawards.com for printable nomination forms and information on how to nominate a deserving individual and/or business. The deadline for submitting nomination forms is August 2.