Tag : The Hoffman Agency

2014 Hermes Creative Awards Entry Spotlight: The Hoffman Agency

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced until May 1, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

Hermes Creative Awards Company: The Hoffman Agency
Location: San Jose, California
Client: City of Fremont
Title of Entry: City of Fremont: Talking the Language of Business, Not Government Speak
Category: 98. Government Website

The-Hoffman-AgencyWhen the California City of Fremont enlisted The Hoffman Agency for public relations assistance, the firm wanted to do something different from traditional government PR efforts, which is how ThinkSiliconValley.com was born. The site would anchor the communications campaign and focus on the Fremont’s business proposition, associating the City with the famous Silicon Valley.

The Hoffman Agency team set out to create an “ungovernment” website, one that didn’t adhere to typical government design, copy and structure standards. They succeeded.

When you hit the site, you’re more likely to think you’re looking at a web designer’s online home than one promoting a municipality because of the clean look and feel. There’s no clutter or information overload.

On top of the superb design (PaperSkyDesigns and Planet 4 Designworks were part of the Hoffman team), another refreshing element is the conversational tone of the copy. Plus, The Hoffman Agency used responsive design, so the site renders beautifully on any device – phone, tablet, laptop or PC.

Think Silicon Valley
