Tag : Health Beat by Spectrum Health Systems

Health Beat by Spectrum Health Systems2016 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Health Beat by Spectrum Health Systems

2016 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Health Beat by Spectrum Health Systems

Before we release a list of all the winners for the 2016 Hermes Creative Awards on May 2, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted. Haven’t entered yet? There’s still time!

Hermes Creative Awards Organization: Spectrum Health Systems
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Title of Entry: “Spectrum Health Beat ‘Life after death'”
Category: 64. Publication article

What makes a good story? If you need an answer to that question, read Marie Havenga’s story, “Life after Death.” Jill writes for Health Beat, a news website updated daily for the Spectrum Health Systems of Western Michigan. Spectrum services more than 700,000 patients with 12 hospitals.

One of those patients, who had a massive heart attack, should have died for all intents and purposes. But one doctor and a dedicated group of health professionals literally brought him back to life. It is a riveting tale of a life and death struggle that could have gone either way.

Read the enthralling story on Health Beat.
