Tag : ECE Turkiye Proje Yonetimi A.S. Espark Shopping Center

espark2017 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Espark Shopping Center

2017 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Espark Shopping Center

Before we release a list of all the winners for the 2017 Hermes Creative Awards, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted. Haven’t entered yet? There’s still time (until April 15).

Hermes Creative Awards Organization: ECE Turkiye Proje Yonetimi A.S. Espark Shopping Center
Location: Turkey
Title of Entry: “Boxes Full of Happiness”
Category: 71c. Communication/Marketing Campaign

Malls in Turkey are very popular and competitive. Each year we get entries for a wide variety of promotions and games. Many of the marketing efforts use social responsibility as a means to attract attention.

Here is an entry from Espark Shopping Center in Eskişehir, Turkey, that caught the judges’ attention. In an ingenious campaign, the mall let shoppers choose gifts for poor students in a nearby village that would increase their interests in arts and sports.

Unbeknownst to the shoppers and kids, the gifts would be given instantly with the interaction being shown live on a large television screen in the mall. The ensuing publicity reached millions in a variety of social and traditional media platforms.