Author : AMCP


United Health Care has created a multi-media website that engages its stake holders with humor, witty writing, wonderful directing, and interesting photography.  The series of videos explain everything from potential health problems to filing procedures.  UHC takes complicated issues and breaks them down into an understandable language…no simple task when talking about American health care and insurance.  It also helps that there are some famous faces to deliver the message.



Don’t Panik!

Making a play on his last name, Mark Panik started the company Don’t Panik! and even crafted a snappy promo video to stress his point. Don’t Panik! is a boutique post-production company based in Los Angeles that national broadcasters call when they need a creative, quick-turnaround promo. Mark opened shop thirteen years ago after learning […]


A Perilous Mission

​Tim Scott and Will Decker are filmmakers on a mission–literally. They spread the Gospel from the jungles of Africa to the mountains of South America.  But spreading the word is not all they do.  Their organization, “Travel the Road”, also documents the expeditions on tape in heart-pounding fashion. ​Tim and Will explore regional problems and […]


And the Winner is …

It’s all about the commercials.  Watching Super Bowl Ads is becoming as big as the event itself.  It’s must see TV that lowers American productivity while increasing water cooler talk for at least a week.   ​This year’s Super Bowl between the triumphant Giants and the Patriots drew more 111.3 million viewers for a new […]


Podcast with Platinum Winner AngelVision

Impact Movies Eleven years ago, AngelVision broke tradition and began creating visual messages for corporate clients without using a camera, video, a host, or a talking head. Using ‘flash’, the company utilized pictures, images, graphics, and text to tell and deliver a story in a very new way. The company named their concept “Impact Movies”. […]



As an organization we receive over 10,000 entries a year. As the judging coordinator, each one goes through me. They all get a glimpse as I prepare them for the judges. Sometimes a piece catches my eye and I stop to fully examine it. It may be because of a huge budget or a clever […]


Check out Ned’s Weekly Job Posting! National Communication Job Postings Week of 02/06/12 Courtesy of Ned Lundquist’s “Job of the Week” weekly posts. For more information on Ned and his job postings, visit


Cool New Gadgets 02.06.12

by Gregg Ellman Power on the go is something we all need since it’s difficult to keep most of our portable electronic gadgets running from dawn to dusk. There are many great choices and here is a sampling; The Innergie PocketCell 3000mAh pocket-sized battery features my personal favorite; the 3-in-1 USB cable. I’ll get […]


Going Social

12 key things you must consider when developing a social media program for your business, your brand, or your clients By Gretel Going and Kate Fleming Channel V Media