
2019 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Epsilon

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy MarCom Awards entries throughout the competition. 

MarCom Awards
Location: San Francisco, CA
Title of Entry: “Google — A Home with a View”
Category: 263c. Digital Media | E-Communication | E-mail Campaign ($175)


“Hey Google, show me an early front runner for the MarCom Award Winners.”

Hopefully, you’ll land on this campaign from the folks at Epsilon. Their team did an incredible job educating new Hub owners on the benefits and FAQ’s they have in their first few days of owning their new fancy toy, and also spurring an increase of engagement and usage for their device.

They had great success from their Automated Email Campaign which resulted in a 300% increase in usage among those who opened their emails.

Talk about provable ROI!

To view Epsilon’s full campaign, visit here and use the password: ch1rp

The final deadline for the 2019 MarCom Awards is Thursday, September 12th. Enter now.