2013 MarCom Entry, inferno

Winner: inferno
Title of Entry: “Darn Good Yarn”
Location: Memphis, TN
Client: FedEx
Category: 221. YouTube Video

inferno logoStorytelling is an age-old art mastered by few.  When you get it right it seems effortless and surprisingly easy. But it’s not. Inferno of Memphis, Tennessee knows how to tell a good story. One of the agency’s clients, Fed Ex, wanted to highlight customers who have been helped by its worldwide delivery services…small businesses not located in a major metropolitan area.

This led to a video of a business with a global supply chain operating out of a home in the backwoods of North Maine. Many corporations, educational institutions, and law firms try to tell a story through their CEOs, presidents, and principal partners. They put them in front of a camera, let it roll, and then place video over the narration with a little music thrown it. If you want to know how it is done right, watch Inferno’s YouTube video. It really is “A Darn Good Yarn”.