UPDATE to our 02/07/12 story entitled “ABANDONED”

Original Story, here.

Hi Ed,
I wanted to let you know in the past month – many things have changed – for the better! The digital age of communication WORKS! – I can’t thank you enough for recognizing my short film. The Riverside County Assistant Tax Collector gave me a personal visit to my home and saw for himself the errors on the Tax roles and has taken the time to work out a deal for me top stay in my home! – This six year battle has come to pass and is being resolved. Secondly, one of the “druggies” (unfortunately a minor, with previous offenses)  is now behind bars, and one of the rentals inhabited by the same have moved out. My neighbors across the street and 2 others at the end of the block have also had the same issues with the “trafficking”, and we have formed a consortium of 4 properties (homeowners) that keep a watchful eye on all activities and are sharing information and phone numbers.

Also, my doctor of 14 years Daniel Lee, M.D. at U.C.S.D. has noticed an upturn in my health and ask what was going on …?  SO – I told him about the dramatic changes in my mental and physical health were largely due to the stressing issues currently being resolved, by way of a short film I made.  I can’t thank you enough for the recognition on your blog/website. I certainly couldn’t ask for anything more than you have already done. You have made a dramatic difference in my situation and I’ll always remember you and your organization for it! When all other institutions failed to help me, you and the AMCP came to my rescue!

Warmest regards,

Gerald Weathers
ARTRIX Studios