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2021 Hermes Creative Awards Spotlight: Tungsten Branding

We’ll continue to feature some of this year’s most noteworthy Hermes Creative Awards entries throughout the competition. 

Hermes Creative Awards

Organization: Tungsten Branding
Location: Brevard, NC
Title of Entry: “Triia”
Category: Print Media | Design | 48. Logo

Logos are the calling card for businesses, non-profits, sports teams, and government agencies. They are triggering mechanisms for the mind. But creating a memorable, meaningful logo can be a difficult quest. Tungsten Branding met the challenge for a new online company offering Native American merchandise. Tungsten is an internationally known naming and brand development agency in Brevard, North Carolina. The agency weaved an image for Triia by blending traditional Native American colors into a star quilt and then tweaking the company letters to create two people reaching out bracketed by a soft rounded “r” and “a”. The logo is simplistic and modern.

To view their full submission, click here.

The Deadline for the 2021 Hermes Creative Awards is Thursday, March 18th. Enter now while there’s still time.