
2016 MarCom Awards Spotlight: Trevelino/Keller

While the winners for the 2016 MarCom Awards won’t be announced for a little bit, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

MarCom Awards Organization: Trevelino/Keller
Location: Atlanta, GA
Client: Create Your Own Cupcake
Title of Entry: “Create Your Cupcake Video”
Category: 297. Marketing Product or Service

Cupcake anyone? You would think there is not much to one: butter, sugar, flour, eggs, flavoring. But if your company name is “Create Your Cupcake,” then a bit more is expected of you. CYC approached the Trevelino/Keller agency of Atlanta to craft a video to market it’s creations. The result is a tasty treat that mixes stop action, animation and video with some wicked editing.