2014 Hermes Creative Awards Entry Spotlight: Trinity Senior Living Communities

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced until May 1, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

Hermes Creative Awards Company: Trinity Senior Living Communities
Title of Entry: “Happy Video – Senior Parody”
Location: Livonia, Michigan
Category: 146. YouTube Video

trinity senior health communitiesBy now, we’re sure most of you have heard Pharrell Williams’ catchy pop sensation, “Happy.” The tune is irresistible, provoking at least a wiggle from all its listeners. To accompany his phenomenal hit, Pharrell and his team created a 24-hour music video with a variety of people jammin’ out to the song.

The song and video were so contagious that the staff, residents and their families of Trinity Senior Living Communities wanted to take part in all the happiness, making their version of the music video.

Trinity’s reel opens with the message: “We asked our residents one question…Are you happy?” Combine the contagious beat with the dancing, clapping and smiles of participants and you’ve got a great version of “Happy.”
