2014 Hermes Creative Award Entry Spotlight: JLOOP

While the winners for the 2014 Hermes Creative Awards won’t be announced for a while, we’re showcasing select entries that stand out. Keep checking back to see if your work will be highlighted.

Hermes Creative Awards Companies: JLOOP
Title of Entry: “JLOOP Company Website”
Location: Long Beach, California
Category: 129. Website Design

jloopCreative technology and development firm JLOOP proves its staff understands how storytelling and technology work together with the design of their website, jloop.com.

Besides incorporating current trends like flat design and large hero areas, much of the site’s information is located on their long scrolling homepage that utilizes a sticky navigation menu. Not only do these design choices make the content easy to find and consume but it also requires little patience on the user’s part. Eliminating the need to jump from page to page reduces the chance of visitors losing interest while a new page is loading.

As you would expect from professional creatives, the visuals and amount of copy complement each other and work well together.

I could tell you more about JLOOP’s excellent work, but why don’t you check it out yourself? Oh, and it’ll look good on whatever device you choose to view it. Like I mentioned, they’re up to date with how people interact with current technology.

jloop homepage
