MarCom Winner, Column Five

Winner: Column Five Media
Title of Entry: “Infographics: The Power of Visual Storytelling”
Location: Newport Beach, CA
Category: 77. Book

The Power of Visual Story Telling

Let’s face it. We have all had the task of communicating a topic or point that is either too vast or too difficult (boring?) to get our point across in just words. This world has us texting, tweeting, and face timing so fast we can barely hold our attention longer than 5 minutes.

What was I talking about?  Oh, right. Visual Storytelling.

More and more PR + Communication + Marketing firms are using infographics to visually communicate their message. Larger graphics and bolder colors grab our attention. Column Five is a leader in this latest movement of infographic communication. Their graphic design is outstanding, keeping you engaged in whatever subject matter possible.

Column Five’s book gives you all the insight you need into the value of infographics and how to best implement visual storytelling into your daily marketing and communication strategies.

If nothing else, buy it for their awesome graphics. Well done.



Example of a C5 Motion Graphic Video